“¿¡A Non-Meat Gift for Once!?”
Below is a “much-harder-to-find-than-it-should-be” video of roughly 9 brief minutes. An absolutely inspired, “Beat-Gen-Poets-Eat-Your-Hearts-Out-Stream-of-Thoughtsalad so brilliant, as to be highly fuhging unlikely to ever be topped within our lifetimes.
Leaving the barely-troglodytic-if-even-true, cut-n-paste methodology of those small-bearded poets where it truly belongs. Right where it started, there on the damn floor!
(Hopfully we haven’t before, but if then, we now-here again)
give you,…
An affair to remember from, …ah Mister Alexander Jonestown!
The Stagecraftiest of Bald-faced Bawkers. One with “A Gift o’Gab” now become severed from AllReason, all types of AnyKnowledge, & above all else, a complete lack of awareness that either of those two things might be important, or that their missing could in some instances be problematic…
Last Gift of the lord Jesus Christ to poor little Man,…
A near-Perfectly Ranted Rave,
from the singularest individual that
might ever endeavor to deliver, whateveritbe
that one calls what this is…
“A Clockwork Elves Affair”
A complete listing of all the “What-the-WOW-did-he-Say”, amazingness is simply too long to really outline here, but within this under-ten-minute ranted rave to end all raves, you will hear a complete lifetime supply of THEE most unarguable, neh, choicest soundbites you will EVER hope to hear before one’s time here is over & you pass along.
In fact, I think it is quite easily argued that this piece of “outsider-untentioned performance art” seems to be composed of nothing BUT AMAZ-BALLZ soundbites layered expertly by the least to ever use the word expert that ever lived. The most golden & radiating of all entheogenic eggs ever bestowed upon any culture, at any time. The primordial hilarigenic substance that heals all, and nourishes all and every. Cure of diseases not to be discovered for a hundred more years.
A rant-abulous scrabbled eggword salad, tailored (down to the garnish) to the very specific, very on-target niche of those areas of interests shared by all of us here.
In just under 10min AJ manages to touch on near-every single bit of entheominutia & near-all things cool & psychedelicane. The Masterpieces we all know, all the way down to small arcane brick-a-brak with but a small group in the know. An impressive attempt to outline and give a complete section index to many of the ideas that can be found amongst books & ephemera of TEFs Dr. Tomas Szabó Memorial Librareum, AND everything that it does not YET contain, but which I know to be missing.
Well, I mean it’s a decent showing anyway. Given the removal of any realistic chronology & what seems to be zero pressure to at least “look-into”
anything at all. At all. No chance of what the kids call “research” (but upon witnessing we would all call a quick YouTube search).
Perhaps this episode represents the odd outcome of a strange confluence of ideas and their unexpected pairing?
Did Alex recently finish a marathon binging of all seasons of The X-Files?
Could the unmatched perfection of this 9min rant really just be the result of the most common of contemporary humanities leisurely activities. (at lesast it is here in the US of A). Watching an old show with the improbable introduction, in drop-wise manner, of some equamolar amount of the Neverbeforeadded reagent of what was clearly a much, much, MUCH too abbreviated briefing by staff on what he should know about regarding; All&Everything Known & Suspected
relating to the subject of the Epoch d’Psychedelicene?
What exact procedure gave us this kiss-yer-finger-tip perfectorific-ness, this re-crystallized piece of perfect imperfection, how does he achive the UltraUberUpper purity of this here glorious-est of all Rants-r-Raves?
Only Friends are Real.
Embrace. Shulgin-ness.
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